This post was written ages ago, before Covid began, but re-reading it today I felt it had a place in the near end of 2020. I hope some of you find it a hug and comfort, a moment of "Oh good! I'm not the only one." Know, you are not alone. You are loved.
Morgan Schlesinger
Homeschool Bravely
Homeschooling and I, let me tell you that we have a history....some good, some bad. I homeschooled for the most part until Grade 11, and truthfully it was not something I ever saw myself doing with my own kids.
No More Faking Fine
When someone asks you to define the word "Fake", what would you say? I would say it means to be untrue, live a lie. I grew up in a world where pretending was a key in day to
I Am The Girl For The Job
The idea to "be somebody" in this world began early on for me. I loved to sing, and deep down, thought I was really good. I wanted to be headed for some BIG stage somewhere. The thing was,
Summer Dill Salad
We have been getting some amazing produce from our local CSA program as well as our own garden. But sometimes items that are in season don't align with what you usually make, that is when things like this
A perfect read for this unusual time of staying put.