So I wrote this, obviously back in December....and then never posted. But it was such a beautiful little tidbit I had to share it with you all.
The days are going by so fast. Hard to believe we are already more than half of the way to Christmas Day! This time of year always brings an array of emotions for me. The remembrance of christmases past from my childhood. The years since being married and the years now as a mom. But the desire I've gained through having kids, is to keep the simple pure magical feeling of this glorious season alive. The one I remember from my childhood.
My mom had this amazing ability, no matter what our family's circumstances were, to bring about a magical visit from Santa, a tree surrounded in gifts and the BEST stocking stuffers ever. She was blessed with such a beautiful gift to provide those magical season and beautiful Christmas mornings, but also she instilled in me the story of Christ's birth at the centre.
It's funny how different people can be in the same family and take away a different experience. Santa for example was a tradition in our house that we believed in. My mom fully embraced the desire for imagination and such, same as I do in my house. My experience of Santa was a positive one. But some of my siblings, not so much, and they have decided they don't want to involve Santa in their Christmas traditions. (This by the way is completely fine and we are all respectful of where everyone else is at.)
The things that have remained the same throughout all of us kids, is to bring about a magical time. To provide a warm, inviting space of love. Of family. Of good things to eat and gifts that are thoughtfully given.
Tradition, it can be thrown down sometimes. How the "oldies" did it. But the thread I see transfer through the generations is Christ's birth and the gift we have of being together. As loud and crazy as it can get (hahaha!), we are always together!
As I'm writing this, my son is drawing and colouring his own Christmas tree ornaments for his bedroom's little tree. And what is he singing about in this moment as I speak of traditions, no not Saint Nick- although that does happen often too- but of Christ. Of his birth. Of his Father who is in heaven and the gift He gave us. It makes me smile. Makes me breathe and thank God in this moment that he, my little boy, with a big heart and huge emotions is doing better than I realize in the hard times. His heart for God is so real and I am so thankful.