Do you ever go into kitchen shops?
I love to go into the kitchen departments of any place and see all the shiny and new. But something I find very often are dishtowels that are just too cute to pass-up, and way to cute to use as an actual dishtowels. So cute, in fact, I often wished that they were art.
I keep seeing these hanging posters on dowel/wood that are sooo popular, so I decided, why not the tea towels??
So here we go with an amazing DIY to turn your "rags" into "riches".
What You'll Need:
-Tea towel that you LOVE!
-Twine, String, or Yarn
-Hot Glue Gun and Sticks
-Branch Clippers
-Spray Bottle Filled with Water
-Measuring Tape
Let's Do This!
- Measure your tea towel end. The part that will be the top.
- Measure out your dowel for each end. I decided to add an inch and a half on to each side so that they would stick out from the towel. Then cut them to length.
- At this point, time to get out the iron and get rid of any creases and wrinkles. I also recommend ironing on the back of your towel, just in case there is any chance of wrecking your towels nice picture. Don't forget to use the proper setting on your iron.
- Mark on the dowel where you'll be attaching it with the glue in each corner, just so there is no guess work in the attachment.
- Place a dab of glue in each corner and center your dowel on the towels top attaching it to the glue spots holding in place until the glue is a bit firm (only a couple seconds).
- Add dabs of glue every so often along the rest of the towel to attach the dowel firmly along the top. Be sure to keep your seam in line all the way along to avoid the top being crooked.
Next-Do it all over again to the bottom!
Time for the string/twine. Cut your piece according the how long you'd like the hanger to be. I honestly just eye ball this part according to what I want.
- Tie each end of the string to each end of the dowel. Be sure its at the towels top.
- Enjoy!!
Thanks for joining me on this fun DIY!!
I had a few tea towels that I'd saved up for this project and thought I'd share how they turned out too!