Oh Summer

Oh Summer

I love my books. And I especially love digging into a good "self-help" read, as you all well know. But lately, as I've tried to enter into some new books this past month, I realized my mind wasn't taking anything in. It was worn out and not willing to budge. So I have taken the hint and am settling in with a few easy reads for the summer months. You know the ones I mean, easy to pick up, easy to put down but oh so enjoyable! This allowing me to enjoy them thoroughly and not stress about loosing momentum while I enjoy the summer days with my kiddos.

Something I did want to share with you was my goal this summer. My goal is to thoroughly enjoy it. I want to have a few plans, but for the most part be able to take things slower and day to day. That may seem like a luxury to some people out there. Perhaps it even sounds like heaven, but guys, it's a hard thing for me to do! I have thrived on structure and schedules for a very long time, and they wore me down and out. So, now, I want to put to use all the beautiful books I have read on slowing down. Weeding out the unnecessary and recognizing that life doesn't always have to be busy. But it can be seasons of busy, hard, joy, happiness, rest, etc.

My read right now is entitled  Picnic in Provence- A Memoir with Recipes. Written by Elizabeth Bard, it has me swooning over slow days in a tiny village in France and all the beautifully french food she prepares. Now the France part isn't going to happen, but the slow days with my kids cooking in the kitchen, playing in the garden, at the beach, and simply doing the day too day. Those are things I can obtain. I intend to create a summer bucket list with my kids this coming week. I know the days will fly by, even as we strive to slow down, and I do want to be sure they get to do the things they have been dreaming of too. But a big goal for me as their mama is for us all to rest, regroup, reconnect, and enjoy this 2 months of warm weather, watermelon, beaches, lakes, and late nights.