Minimalism-It's not what you think!!

A while back I wrote a few blogs on simplifying and minimalizing. Honestly there was nothing wrong in those posts. They were where I was. Those books and methods were not wasted time or effort and I am thankful I had them. But today, even despite all of the changes, I find myself still digging through too much stuff, mentally, emotionally and physically.

My sister recommended a podcast to me a while back. It's called The Purpose Show. This gal, Allie Casazza, spoke plain and straight. She had a heart for God and a heart for women suffering in messes with their motherhood. Her life story resonated with me and when I found out she had developed some online courses to help through some big processes, I was sold. I bought two of them. One called Unburdened the other Your Uncluttered Home. I have begun with Unburdened as it deals with a wider range of issues and struggles, not just the physical clutter.

Now you may be thinking, what does this girl offer that the past books I've read did not....well, she has a different approach to minimalism that makes more sense to me than any other. She stands for a minimalism that is dependent on you and everyone's different life and story. Minimalism isn't about a specific number of items that will suddenly allow you to feel free. She is about helping Mama's like you and I find the life we want, the life in motherhood that isn't always a bogged down mess!

Yep, even with all the work I have put into clearing out and learning about myself....I still have so much more to learn. And finally I am in a place where this girl Allie, and her journey, is my next step.

On a side note, why do I doubt God? Why do I keep believing that he has left me hanging??? He is always there waiting just at the right moment with the right next step.

So, I am going to take you along on these courses a bit with me and hope that perhaps you may find some comfort in knowing you aren't the only one, or perhaps, that you can look into this Podcaster and her honest talk about life, and putting the joy back into motherhood with less. I don't know about you, but the joy left me a long time ago with my motherhood journey. I love my littles and my hubby...but with stress, depression, clutter and illness, all I have been doing for far to long is just trying to keep us all alive. I am so done with just getting by, I am ready, finally, to take life back and allow the motherhood God has intended for me to be the goal. A motherhood that isn't just waiting until bedtime, just waiting until I can collapse into bed. I want MORE!!! I am ready to put in the time and the work. Finally I mentally have some space.